The protagonist of the tragedy Hamlet is a beloved prince and a thoughtful melancholy young man. Hamlet respected his mother and highly valued her ideals and morals. Hamlet Study Guide Hamlets life is not perfect especially when his mother remarried to his fathers brother. . Hamlets reply to his mother 76-86 contrasts seeming and being What images does he use to. Act I scene ii. Hamlet is pained to think that everyone has forgotten his father so quicklyespecially his mother Gertrude. The exploring of his mothers erotic nature is because he is sexually concerned for her. Back on the parapet the outer walls of Castle Elsinore Hamlet follows the Ghost who admits that he is the spirit of King Hamlet and tells his son to hear him out. He loved his mother and wanted to forgive her. In this play Shakespeare uses a woman called Gertrude who is among the few women featured in the masterwork. Throughout most of the ...
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